💻 Rhino 5
🔼 Rhino Script
🛠️ Visual Basic
The expanded surface is the final release of the unfolded surface series at this time. This version generates an expanded surface which provides higher structural rigidity as well as aesthetic texture. This script includes a function to find the triangular inpoint from a series of 3 different points.
Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Script copyrighted by <Neoarchaic Design>
'Script version Monday, May 26, 2008 1:43:26 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim surf
surf = Rhino.GetObject("select surface", 8)
If isNull(surf) Then Exit Sub
Call reparameterize(surf)
Dim arrItems, arrValues, arrResults
arrItems = array("Colums", "Rows", "Offset", "OculiScale", "tabHeight", "cutTemplate", "surfaces", "imageScale", "imageOculi")
arrValues = array(10, 10, 1, 0.4, 1, True, True, False, True)
arrResults = Rhino.PropertyListBox(arrItems, arrValues,, "Volume Parameters")
Dim scale, oculi
If CBool(arrResults(7)) = True Then
scale = arrImageSample(CDbl(arrResults(0)) - 1, CDbl(arrResults(1)) - 1)(6)
scale = arrayValue(CDbl(arrResults(0)) - 1, CDbl(arrResults(1)) - 1, CDbl(arrResults(2)))
End If
If CBool(arrResults(8)) = True Then
oculi = arrImageSample(CDbl(arrResults(0)) - 1, CDbl(arrResults(1)) - 1)(6)
oculi = arrayValue(CDbl(arrResults(0)) - 1, CDbl(arrResults(1)) - 1, CDbl(arrResults(3)))
End If
Dim tri, cut(2)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
tri = TriangulateSurface(surf, CDbl(arrResults(0)), CDbl(arrResults(1)), CDbl(arrResults(2)))
If CBool(arrResults(6)) = True Then
Call SurfaceMe(tri(0), oculi, "surfaces_out")
Call SurfaceMe(tri(1), oculi, "surfaces_in")
Call SurfaceMe(tri(2), oculi, "surfaces_center")
End If
If CBool(arrResults(5)) = True Then
cut(0) = UnfoldMe(tri(0), 0, CDbl(arrResults(4)), oculi, "A")
cut(1) = UnfoldMe(tri(1), cut(0) + 5, CDbl(arrResults(4)), oculi, "B")
cut(2) = UnfoldMe(tri(2), cut(1) + 5, CDbl(arrResults(4)), oculi, "C")
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function TriangulateSurface(surface, cols, rows, offset)
TriangulateSurface = Null
Dim i,j
Dim uDom,vDom,uStep,vStep
uDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)(1): uStep = uDom / cols
vDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)(1): VStep = vDom / rows
ReDim uv(rows),pt(rows),ptA(rows),ptB(rows),uvSet(cols),ptSet(cols),ptSetA(cols),ptSetB(cols)
'plot point grid
For i = 0 To cols Step 1
For j = 0 To rows Step 1
uv(j) = array(i * uStep, j * vStep)
ptB(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j))
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
pt(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j))
ptA(j) = pt(j)
pt(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j))
ptA(j) = pt(j)
pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), offset))
ptA(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), -offset))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), offset))
ptA(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), -offset))
pt(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j))
ptA(j) = pt(j)
End If
End If
uvSet(i) = uv
ptSet(i) = pt
ptSetA(i) = ptA
ptSetB(i) = ptB
TriangulateSurface = array(ptSet, ptSetA, ptSetB)
End Function
Function SurfaceMe(ptSet, scale, objLayer)
SurfaceMe = Null
If Rhino.IsLayer(objLayer) = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer(objLayer, RGB(0, 0, 255))
End If
Dim i,j
Dim cols, rows
Dim pts(1)
cols = uBound(ptSet)
rows = uBound(ptSet(0))
Dim srfA(),srfB(),cPt(1)
ReDim srfA(rows-1),srfB(rows-1)
ReDim s(cols-1)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
If scale(i)(j) < 0.1 Then
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
End If
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(srfA(j), objLayer)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(srfB(j), objLayer)
If scale(i)(j) > 0.9 Then
scale(i)(j) = 0.9
End If
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
pts(0) = array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
pts(1) = array(ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
cPt(0) = incenter(pts(0)(0), pts(0)(1), pts(0)(2))
cPt(1) = incenter(pts(1)(0), pts(1)(1), pts(1)(2))
srfA(j) = innerSurf(cPt(0), pts(0), scale(i)(j))
srfB(j) = innerSurf(cPt(1), pts(1), scale(i)(j))
pts(0) = array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j))
pts(1) = array(ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j))
cPt(0) = incenter(pts(0)(0), pts(0)(1), pts(0)(2))
cPt(1) = incenter(pts(1)(0), pts(1)(1), pts(1)(2))
srfA(j) = innerSurf(cPt(0), pts(0), scale(i)(j))
srfB(j) = innerSurf(cPt(1), pts(1), scale(i)(j))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
pts(0) = array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j))
pts(1) = array(ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j))
cPt(0) = incenter(pts(0)(0), pts(0)(1), pts(0)(2))
cPt(1) = incenter(pts(1)(0), pts(1)(1), pts(1)(2))
srfA(j) = innerSurf(cPt(0), pts(0), scale(i)(j))
srfB(j) = innerSurf(cPt(1), pts(1), scale(i)(j))
pts(0) = array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
pts(1) = array(ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
cPt(0) = incenter(pts(0)(0), pts(0)(1), pts(0)(2))
cPt(1) = incenter(pts(1)(0), pts(1)(1), pts(1)(2))
srfA(j) = innerSurf(cPt(0), pts(0), scale(i)(j))
srfB(j) = innerSurf(cPt(1), pts(1), scale(i)(j))
End If
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(srfA(j)(1), objLayer)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(srfB(j)(1), objLayer)
End If
s(i) = array(srfA, srfB)
SurfaceMe = s
End Function
Function UnfoldMe(ptSet, y, tabHeight, scale, prefix)
UnfoldMe = Null
If Rhino.IsLayer("cuts") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("cuts", RGB(255, 0, 0))
End If
If Rhino.IsLayer("scores") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("scores", RGB(0, 0, 0))
End If
Dim i,j,r
Dim cols, rows, wrldCS
cols = uBound(ptSet)
rows = uBound(ptSet(0))
wrldCS = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
Dim oriPt(), angX(), ptA(), ptB(), ptC(),pts(),minX(),maxX(),mn(),mx()
ReDim oriPt(rows-1), angX(rows-1), ptA(rows-1), ptB(rows-1), ptC(rows-1),minX(rows-1),maxX(rows-1),mn(cols-1),mx(cols-1),pts(cols-1)
Dim angA(),angB(),angC(),disA(),disB(),disC(),s(),a(),d()
ReDim angA(rows-1),angB(rows-1),angC(rows-1),disA(rows-1),disB(rows-1),disC(rows-1)
ReDim a(cols-1), d(cols-1)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
End If
End If
a(i) = array(angA, angB, angC)
d(i) = array(disA, disB, disC)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
r = 0
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
If j = 0 Then
oriPt(j) = array(0, y, 0)
angX(j) = 0
oriPt(j) = ptB(j - 1)
If ptB(j - 1)(1) > ptC(j - 1)(1) Then
angX(j) = -Rhino.Angle2(array(ptB(j - 1), Rhino.PointAdd(ptB(j - 1), wrldCS(1))), array(ptB(j - 1), ptC(j - 1)))(0)
angX(j) = Rhino.Angle2(array(ptB(j - 1), Rhino.PointAdd(ptB(j - 1), wrldCS(1))), array(ptB(j - 1), ptC(j - 1)))(0)
End If
End If
If i Mod (2) Then
r = j + 1
r = j
End If
If r Mod (2) Then
ptA(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(0)(j)))
ptB(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + a(i)(1)(j) + a(i)(2)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(2)(j)))
ptC(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(ptA(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + 180 - a(i)(0)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(1)(j)))
ptA(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(0)(j)))
ptB(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + a(i)(0)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(1)(j)))
ptC(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(ptA(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + 180 - a(i)(1)(j) - a(i)(2)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(2)(j)))
End If
minX(j) = Rhino.Min(array(ptA(j)(0), ptB(j)(0), ptC(j)(0)))
maxX(j) = Rhino.Max(array(ptA(j)(0), ptB(j)(0), ptC(j)(0)))
r = r + 1
mn(i) = Rhino.Min(minX)
If mn(i) > 0 Then
mn(i) = 0
mn(i) = abs(mn(i))
End If
mx(i) = abs(Rhino.Max(maxX))
pts(i) = array(oriPt, ptA, ptB, ptC)
Dim ptX, k,u
Dim points(3),yVal(3),dblY
ReDim yMax(rows-1), yM(cols-1)
Dim edge(),edgeA(), edgeB(), span()
ReDim edge(cols-1),edgeA(rows-1), edgeB(rows-1), span(rows*2)
Dim cPt(1), oculi(1)
r = 0
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
k = 0
If i > 0 Then
r = r + mx(i - 1) + mn(i) + tabHeight * 2
End If
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
ptX = array(r, 0, 0)
For u = 0 To 3 Step 1
points(u) = Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(u)(j))
If j Mod (2) Then
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(points(0), points(3))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "scores")
k = k + 1
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(points(1), points(2))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "scores")
k = k + 1
End If
If j = 0 Then
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(points(0), points(1))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "cuts")
k = k + 1
End If
If j = rows - 1 Then
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(points(2), points(3))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "cuts")
k = k + 1
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(points(2), points(3))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "scores")
k = k + 1
End If
If scale(i)(j) >= 0.1 Then
If scale(i)(j) > 0.9 Then
scale(i)(j) = 0.9
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
cPt(0) = incenter(points(0), points(2), points(3))
cPt(1) = incenter(points(0), points(1), points(3))
oculi(0) = innerEdge(cPt(0), array(points(0), points(2), points(3)), scale(i)(j))
oculi(1) = innerEdge(cPt(1), array(points(0), points(1), points(3)), scale(i)(j))
cPt(0) = incenter(points(0), points(1), points(2))
cPt(1) = incenter(points(2), points(1), points(3))
oculi(0) = innerEdge(cPt(0), array(points(0), points(1), points(2)), scale(i)(j))
oculi(1) = innerEdge(cPt(1), array(points(2), points(1), points(3)), scale(i)(j))
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(oculi(0)(1), "cuts")
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(oculi(1)(1), "cuts")
End If
edgeA(j) = Rhino.AddLine(points(0), points(2))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(edgeA(j), "scores")
edgeB(j) = Rhino.AddLine(points(1), points(3))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(edgeB(j), "scores")
For u = 0 To 3 Step 1
yVal(u) = points(u)(1)
yMax(j) = Rhino.Max(yVal)
edge(i) = array(edgeA, edgeB)
yM(i) = Rhino.Max(yMax)
dblY = Rhino.Max(yM)
Dim tabA(), tabB(), lblA(), lblB()
ReDim tabA(rows-1), tabB(rows-1), lblA(rows-1), lblB(rows-1)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
tabA(j) = tabMaker(edge(i)(0)(j), -90, tabHeight)
tabB(j) = tabMaker(edge(i)(1)(j), 90, tabHeight)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(tabA(j), "cuts")
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(tabB(j), "cuts")
If i = cols - 1 Then
lblB(j) = labelMaker(edge(i)(1)(j), CStr(prefix) & "." & cols - 1 & "." & j, tabHeight * .3, 0, True)
lblB(j) = labelMaker(edge(i)(1)(j), CStr(prefix) & "." & i + 1 & "." & j, tabHeight * .3, 0, True)
End If
lblA(j) = labelMaker(edge(i)(0)(j), CStr(prefix) & "." & i & "." & j, tabHeight * .3, 180, True)
UnfoldMe = dblY
End Function
Function tabMaker(curve, rotVal, scale)
tabMaker = Null
Dim tabLN(1), tabPT(2),crvDom, wrldCS, i
crvDom = Rhino.CurveDomain(curve)
wrldCS = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
tabPT(0) = Rhino.CurveStartPoint(curve)
tabPT(2) = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curve)
tabPT(1) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateCurve(curve, crvDom(1) * .5),Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.VectorRotate(Rhino.VectorCreate(Rhino.EvaluateCurve(curve, crvDom(1) * .4),tabPT(2)),rotVal, wrldCS(3))),scale))
For i = 0 To 1 Step 1
tabLN(i) = Rhino.AddLine(tabPT(i), tabPT(i + 1))
tabMaker = tabLN
End Function
Function labelMaker(curve, title, size, angle, blnAlign)
labelMaker = Null
Dim txt, wrldCS
If Rhino.IsLayer("numbering") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("numbering", RGB(0, 255, 0))
End If
wrldCS = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
txt = Rhino.AddText(title, Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), size)
If blnAlign = True Then
Call Rhino.TextObjectPlane(txt, array(Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), Rhino.VectorCreate(Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curve)), Rhino.VectorRotate(Rhino.VectorCreate(Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curve)), 90, wrldCS(3)), wrldCS(3)))
Call Rhino.RotateObject(txt, Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), angle, wrldCS(3))
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(txt, "numbering")
labelMaker = txt
End Function
Function reparameterize(strObjectID)
If Rhino.IsCurve(strObjectID) = True Then
Call rhino.SelectObject(strObjectID)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
End If
If Rhino.IsSurface(strObjectID) = True Then
Call rhino.SelectObject(strObjectID)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
End If
End Function
Function incenter(ptA, ptB, ptC)
incenter = Null
Dim A,B,C
Dim x,y,z
A = Rhino.Distance(PtB, ptC)
B = Rhino.Distance(PtA, ptC)
C = Rhino.Distance(ptA, ptB)
x = (ptA(0) * A + ptB(0) * B + ptC(0) * C) / (A + B + C)
y = (ptA(1) * A + ptB(1) * B + ptC(1) * C) / (A + B + C)
z = (ptA(2) * A + ptB(2) * B + ptC(2) * C) / (A + B + C)
incenter = array(x, y, z)
End Function
Function innerEdge(cent, arrPoints, scale)
innerEdge = Null
Dim i, count
count = uBound(arrPoints)
Dim dist,pt(), edge()
ReDim pt(count), edge(count)
For i = 0 To count Step 1
dist = Rhino.Distance(cent, arrPoints(i))
pt(i) = Rhino.PointAdd(arrPoints(i), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.VectorCreate(cent, arrPoints(i))), dist * scale))
For i = 0 To count Step 1
If i = 0 Then
edge(i) = Rhino.AddLine(pt(count), pt(0))
edge(i) = Rhino.AddLine(pt(i), pt(i - 1))
End If
innerEdge = array(pt, edge)
End Function
Function innerSurf(cent, arrPoints, scale)
innerSurf = Null
Dim i, count
count = uBound(arrPoints)
Dim dist,pt(), srf()
ReDim pt(count), srf(count)
For i = 0 To count Step 1
dist = Rhino.Distance(cent, arrPoints(i))
pt(i) = Rhino.PointAdd(arrPoints(i), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.VectorCreate(cent, arrPoints(i))), dist * scale))
For i = 0 To count Step 1
If i = 0 Then
srf(i) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(pt(count), pt(0), arrPoints(0), arrPoints(count)))
srf(i) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(pt(i), pt(i - 1), arrPoints(i - 1), arrPoints(i)))
End If
innerSurf = array(pt, srf)
End Function
Function arrImageSample(cols, rows)
arrImageSample = Null
'Instantiate the RhPicture Object
Dim RhPicture : Set RhPicture = Rhino.GetPlugInObject("RhPicture")
If IsNull(RhPicture) Then Exit Function
'Load an arbitrary image
If Not RhPicture.LoadImage() Then
Call Rhino.Print("Image not loaded")
Exit Function
End If
'Get the width and height
Dim w : w = RhPicture.Width()
Dim h : h = RhPicture.Height()
If IsNull(w) Or IsNull(h) Then
Call Rhino.Print("No valid image data")
Exit Function
End If
Dim x, y, i,j
Dim r, g, b, a, hu, s, u
ReDim r(rows), g(rows), b(rows), a(rows), hu(rows), s(rows), u(rows)
Dim rValSet, gValSet, bValSet, aValSet, hValSet, sValSet, uValSet
ReDim rValSet(cols), gValSet(cols), bValSet(cols), aValSet(cols), hValSet(cols), sValSet(cols), uValSet(cols)
'Sample Image returning all values between zero and one
For i = 0 To cols Step 1
For j = 0 To rows Step 1
x = int(w / cols) * i
y = int(h / rows) * j
If x > w Then
x = w
End If
If y > h Then
y = h
End If
r(j) = RhPicture.Red(x, y) / 255
g(j) = RhPicture.Green(x, y) / 255
b(j) = RhPicture.Blue(x, y) / 255
a(j) = RhPicture.Alpha(x, y) / 255
hu(j) = RhPicture.Hue(x, y) / 360
s(j) = RhPicture.Saturation(x, y)
u(j) = RhPicture.Luminance(x, y)
rValSet(i) = r
gValSet(i) = g
bValSet(i) = b
aValSet(i) = a
hValSet(i) = hu
sValSet(i) = s
uValSet(i) = u
Set RhPicture = Nothing
' image outputs (0)red(1)green(2)blue(3)alpha(4)hue(5)saturation(6)luminance
arrImageSample = array(rValSet, gValSet, bValSet, aValSet, hValSet, sValSet, uValSet)
End Function
Function arrayValue(cols, rows, value)
arrayValue = Null
Dim i,j
ReDim val(rows), arrVal(cols)
For i = 0 To cols Step 1
For j = 0 To rows Step 1
val(j) = value
arrVal(i) = val
arrayValue = arrVal
End Function