💻 Rhino 5
🔼 Rhino Script
🛠️ Visual Basic
This tool derives the median surface from a selected set of surfaces and places it at the origin point of a scene. As an early version of a tool, it is interesting, but the functional value is still undetermined and very much open to suggestions.
Option Explicit
'Script written by <insert name>
'Script copyrighted by <insert company name>
'Script version Monday, March 17, 2008 6:54:49 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim objects, object
objects = Rhino.GetObjects("Select Surfaces", 8)
If isNull(objects) Then Exit Sub
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
object = MedianObject(objects)
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function MedianObject(surfaces)
MedianObject = Null
Dim i,j,k,r,m
Dim Ucount,Vcount,Udom,Vdom,objCount,pCount,pDom
Dim arrU(),arrV(),domU(),domV()
Dim tempPtSet
Dim srfPts(),srfPtSet(),arrSrfPts(),ctrlCrvPts()
objCount = uBound(surfaces)
ReDim arrU(objCount), arrV(objCount),domU(objCount),domV(objCount)
'Find out existing surface parameters
For i = 0 To objCount Step 1
pCount = Rhino.SurfacePointCount(surfaces(i))
pDom = Rhino.SurfaceDegree(surfaces(i))
arrU(i) = pCount(0)
arrV(i) = pCount(1)
domU(i) = pDom(0)
domV(i) = pDom(1)
'Call Rhino.Print(arrU(i))
'Call Rhino.Print(arrV(i))
'find you maximum values
Dim surfRe, objCopy
Udom = Rhino.Max(domU)
Vdom = Rhino.Max(domV)
Ucount = Rhino.Max(arrU)
Vcount = Rhino.Max(arrV)
Dim ptCount: ptCount = Ucount * Vcount - 1
Dim ptX(), ptY(), ptZ(),ptXset(),ptYset(),ptZset()
Dim srfXmin(),srfYmin(),srfZmin()
ReDim srfPts(Vcount),srfPtSet(Ucount),arrSrfPts(objCount)
ReDim ptX(ptCount), ptY(ptCount), ptZ(ptCount),ptXset(objCount),ptYset(objCount),ptZset(objCount)
ReDim srfXmin(objCount),srfYmin(objCount),srfZmin(objCount)
'rebuild the surfaces based on max values
For i = 0 To objCount Step 1
objCopy = Rhino.CopyObject(surfaces(i))
Call Rhino.ObjectColor(objCopy, RGB(255, 0, 0))
surfRe = Rhino.RebuildSurface(objCopy, array(Udom, Vdom), array(Ucount, Vcount))
srfPts(i) = Rhino.SurfacePoints(objCopy)
'extract control points
For j = 0 To ptCount Step 1
ptX(j) = srfPts(i)(j)(0)
ptY(j) = srfPts(i)(j)(1)
ptZ(j) = srfPts(i)(j)(2)
srfXmin(i) = Rhino.Min(ptX)
srfYmin(i) = Rhino.Min(ptY)
srfZmin(i) = Rhino.Min(ptZ)
'normalize the point sets
For j = 0 To ptCount Step 1
ptX(j) = ptX(j) - srfXmin(i)
ptY(j) = ptY(j) - srfYmin(i)
ptZ(j) = ptZ(j) - srfZmin(i)
ptXset(i) = ptX
ptYset(i) = ptY
ptZset(i) = ptZ
Call Rhino.DeleteObject(objCopy)
'construct a surface at the model space centerpoint which is the median of the existing surfaces
Dim ptMed(), ptXmed, ptYmed(), ptZmed(), ptXtemp(), ptYtemp(), ptZtemp()
ReDim ptMed(ptCount), ptXmed(ptCount), ptYmed(ptCount), ptZmed(ptCount), ptXtemp(objCount), ptYtemp(objCount), ptZtemp(objCount)
For i = 0 To ptCount Step 1
For j = 0 To objCount Step 1
ptXtemp(j) = ptXset(j)(i)
ptYtemp(j) = ptYset(j)(i)
ptZtemp(j) = ptZset(j)(i)
ptXmed(i) = Rhino.Sum(ptXtemp) / (objCount + 1)
ptYmed(i) = Rhino.Sum(ptYtemp) / (objCount + 1)
ptZmed(i) = Rhino.Sum(ptZtemp) / (objCount + 1)
ptMed(i) = array(ptXmed(i), ptYmed(i), ptZmed(i))
Dim endSurf
endSurf = Rhino.AddSrfControlPtGrid(array(Ucount, Vcount), ptMed, array(Udom, Vdom))
MedianObject = endSurf
End Function