💻 Rhino 5
🔼 Rhino Script
🛠️ Visual Basic
This Rib fabrication Rhino script allows the user to select a surface, input the row and column count, specify the rib dimensions, then sit back, have a coffee and let the computer do the work.
Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Adapted from concepts provided Andrew Payne of Lift Architects
'Script adapted by <Neoarchaic Studio>
'Script version Thursday, April 02, 2009 12:47:23 AM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim surface, arrValue
surface = Rhino.GetObject("Select Surface", 8, True)
If isNull(surface) Then Exit Sub
Call reparameterize(surface)
arrValue = Rhino.PropertyListBox(array("Columns", "Rows", "Rib Height", "Rib Width", "Tile Spacing", "textHeight"), array(10, 10, 1, 0.2, 1, 0.25))
If isNull(arrValue) Then Exit Sub
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
Dim bBox: bBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(surface)
Dim dist: dist = Rhino.Distance(bBox(0), bBox(4))
Dim grid, ribs, draw
grid = projectGrid(surface, CInt(arrValue(0)), CInt(arrValue(1)))
ribs = makeRib(grid, CDbl(arrValue(2)), CDbl(arrValue(3)), dist)
draw = makeDrawing(ribs(1), CDbl(arrValue(4)), CDbl(arrValue(5)))
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(grid(0))
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(grid(1))
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function projectGrid(surface, cols, rows)
projectGrid = Null
Dim i,j,k,r,s
Dim bBox, order, edge(3)
Dim tCrv,crv(1),pCrv(),arrCrv,dom(1), cStp(1)
bBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(surface)
order = array(4, 5, 7, 6, 4, 7, 5, 6)
r = 0
For i = 0 To 3 Step 1
edge(i) = Rhino.AddLine(bBox(order(r)), bBox(order(r + 1)))
r = r + 2
order = array(cols, rows)
r = 0
For i = 0 To 1 Step 1
s = 0
dom(0) = Rhino.CurveDomain(edge(r))
dom(1) = Rhino.CurveDomain(edge(r + 1))
cStp(0) = (dom(0)(1) - dom(0)(0)) / order(i)
cStp(1) = (dom(1)(1) - dom(1)(0)) / order(i)
For j = 0 To order(i) - 1 Step 1
tCrv = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.EvaluateCurve(edge(r), dom(0)(0) + cStp(0) * 0.5 + cStp(0) * j), Rhino.EvaluateCurve(edge(r + 1), dom(1)(0) + cStp(1) * 0.5 + cStp(1) * j))
arrCrv = Rhino.ProjectCurveToSurface(tCrv, surface, Rhino.VectorReverse(Rhino.WorldXYPlane()(3)))
Call Rhino.DeleteObject(tCrv)
For k = 0 To uBound(arrCrv) Step 1
ReDim Preserve pCrv(s)
pCrv(s) = arrCrv(k)
s = s + 1
crv(i) = pCrv
r = r + 2
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(edge)
projectGrid = crv
End Function
Function makeRib(curves, height, width, zHeight)
makeRib = Null
Dim i,j,k,r
Dim intersect, tPt
Dim arrObject()
Dim blnBlock, xVal, yVal, zVal, tPts(7)
xVal = array(-width * 0.5, -width * 0.5, width * 0.5, width * 0.5)
yVal = array(-width * 0.5, width * 0.5, width * 0.5, -width * 0.5)
zVal = array(0, height * 2 + zHeight)
r = 0
For i = 0 To 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To 3 Step 1
tPts(r) = array(xVal(j), yVal(j), zVal(i))
r = r + 1
blnBlock = Rhino.AddBox(tPts)
r = 0
For i = 0 To uBound(curves(0)) Step 1
For j = 0 To uBound(curves(1)) Step 1
intersect = Rhino.CurveCurveIntersection(curves(0)(i), curves(1)(j))
If isNull(intersect) Then
ReDim Preserve arrObject(r)
tPt = intersect(0, 1)
arrObject(r) = Rhino.CopyObject(blnBlock, array(0, 0, 0), tPt)
r = r + 1
End If
Dim tRib, rib(), tCurve()
Dim ribSet(1), cutRibs(1),tLine(1),ribCurve(1)
tLine(0) = Rhino.AddLine(array(0, 0, 0), array(width, 0, 0))
tLine(1) = Rhino.AddLine(array(0, 0, 0), array(0, width, 0))
For i = 0 To 1 Step 1
ReDim rib(uBOund(curves(i)))
For j = 0 To uBOund(curves(i)) Step 1
Call Rhino.AddTextDot(i & "-" & j, Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curves(i)(j)))
tRib = Rhino.ExtrudeCurveStraight(curves(i)(j), array(0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, height))
Call Rhino.MoveObject(tRib, Rhino.CurveEndPoint(tLine(i)), Rhino.CurveMidPoint(tLine(i)))
rib(j) = Rhino.ExtrudeSurface(tRib, tLine(i))
Call Rhino.DeleteObject(tRib)
ribSet(i) = rib
For i = 0 To 1 Step 1
ReDim tCurve(uBound(ribSet(i)))
If i = 0 Then
Call Rhino.MoveObjects(arrObject, array(0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, height * 0.5))
Call Rhino.MoveObjects(arrObject, array(0, 0, 0), array(0, 0, -height * 2 - zHeight))
End If
cutRibs(i) = Rhino.BooleanDifference(ribSet(i), arrObject, False)
For j = 0 To ubound(cutRibs(i)) Step 1
tCurve(j) = Rhino.ProjectCurveToSurface(curves(i)(j), cutRibs(i)(j), Rhino.VectorReverse(Rhino.WorldXYPlane()(3)))(0)
ribCurve(i) = tCurve
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(ribSet(i))
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(arrObject)
Call Rhino.DeleteObjects(tLine)
Call Rhino.DeleteObject(blnBlock)
makeRib = array(cutRibs, ribCurve)
End Function
Function makeDrawing(arrCrvs, spacing, tHeight)
makeDrawing = Null
Dim i,j
Dim cPlane, wPlane, bBox, tObject(), objects()
ReDim objects(uBOund(arrCrvs))
Dim pPt, tPt
Dim xPos, yPos, tPos, ySet()
For i = 0 To uBound(arrCrvs) Step 1
ReDim tObject(uBound(arrCrvs(i)))
For j = 0 To uBound(arrCrvs(i)) Step 1
cPlane = Rhino.CurvePlane(arrCrvs(i)(j))
wPlane = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
tObject(j) = Rhino.OrientObject(arrCrvs(i)(j), array(cPlane(0), Rhino.PointAdd(cPlane(0), cPlane(1)), Rhino.PointAdd(cPlane(0), cPlane(2))), array(wPlane(0), wPlane(1), wPlane(2)))
bBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(tObject(j))
Call Rhino.MoveObject(tObject(j), bBox(0), array(0, 0, 0))
objects(i) = tObject
yPos = 0
For i = 0 To uBound(arrCrvs) Step 1
tPos = 0
xPos = 0
ReDim ySet(uBound(arrCrvs(i)))
For j = 0 To uBound(arrCrvs(i)) Step 1
bBox = Rhino.BoundingBox(objects(i)(j))
pPt = array(xPos, yPos, 0)
If j > 0 Then
tPos = xPos
xPos = tPos + Rhino.Distance(bBox(0), bBox(1)) + spacing
xPos = bBox(1)(0) + spacing
End If
Call Rhino.MoveObject(objects(i)(j), bBox(0), pPt)
Call Rhino.AddText(i & "-" & j, Rhino.CurveStartPoint(objects(i)(j)), tHeight)
ySet(j) = bBox(2)(1)
yPos = Rhino.Max(ySet) + spacing
End Function
Function reparameterize(strCurveID)
If Rhino.IsCurve(strCurveID) = True Then
Call rhino.SelectObject(strCurveID)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
End If
If Rhino.IsSurface(strCurveID) = True Then
Call rhino.SelectObject(strCurveID)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
End If
End Function