💻 Rhino 5
🔼 Rhino Script
🛠️ Visual Basic
This fabrication script presents a simple tool to evaluate a surface with a triangular pattern and unfold this pattern in a series of bands. These bands are tabbed a numbered for easy assembly. This script is the first and simplest step in a series of Rhino Scripts which will attempt to provide rigid structural skins with a simple triangulation technique.
Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Script copyrighted by <Neoarchaic Design>
'Script version Monday, May 26, 2008 1:43:26 PM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
Dim surf
surf = Rhino.GetObject("select surface", 8)
If isNull(surf) Then Exit Sub
Call reparameterize(surf)
Dim arrItems, arrValues, arrResults
arrItems = array("Colums", "Rows", "Offset", "tabHeight", "ripple", "cutTemplate", "surfaces")
arrValues = array(20, 20, 2, 1, False, True, True)
arrResults = Rhino.PropertyListBox(arrItems, arrValues,, "Volume Parameters")
Dim tri
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
tri = TriangulateSurface(surf, CDbl(arrResults(0)), CDbl(arrResults(1)), CDbl(arrResults(2)), array(CBool(arrResults(4))))
If CBool(arrResults(6)) = True Then
Call SurfaceMe(tri, RGB(255, 0, 0))
End If
If CBool(arrResults(5)) = True Then
Call UnfoldMe(tri, CDbl(arrResults(3)))
End If
Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function TriangulateSurface(surface, cols, rows, offset, arrBln)
TriangulateSurface = Null
Dim i,j
Dim uDom,vDom,uStep,vStep
uDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)(1): uStep = uDom / cols
vDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)(1): VStep = vDom / rows
ReDim uv(rows),pt(rows),uvSet(cols),ptSet(cols)
'plot point grid
For i = 0 To cols Step 1
For j = 0 To rows Step 1
uv(j) = array(i * uStep, j * vStep)
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), offset))
pt(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
pt(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j))
If arrBln(0) = True Then
pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), -offset))
pt(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, uv(j)), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.SurfaceNormal(surface, uv(j))), offset))
End If
End If
End If
uvSet(i) = uv
ptSet(i) = pt
TriangulateSurface = ptSet
End Function
Function SurfaceMe(ptSet, objClr)
SurfaceMe = Null
If Rhino.IsLayer("surfaces") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("surfaces", RGB(0, 0, 255))
End If
Dim i,j
Dim cols, rows
cols = uBound(ptSet)
rows = uBound(ptSet(0))
Dim srfA(),srfB()
ReDim srfA(rows-1),srfB(rows-1)
ReDim s(cols-1)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j)))
srfA(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
srfB(j) = Rhino.AddSrfPt(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1), ptSet(i)(j + 1), ptSet(i + 1)(j)))
End If
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectColor(srfA(j), objClr)
Call Rhino.ObjectColor(srfB(j), objClr)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(srfA(j), "surfaces")
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(srfB(j), "surfaces")
s(i) = array(srfA, srfB)
SurfaceMe = s
End Function
Function UnfoldMe(ptSet, tabHeight)
UnfoldMe = Null
If Rhino.IsLayer("cuts") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("cuts", RGB(255, 0, 0))
End If
If Rhino.IsLayer("scores") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("scores", RGB(0, 0, 0))
End If
Dim i,j,r
Dim cols, rows, wrldCS
cols = uBound(ptSet)
rows = uBound(ptSet(0))
wrldCS = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
Dim oriPt(), angX(), ptA(), ptB(), ptC(),pts(),minX(),maxX(),mn(),mx()
ReDim oriPt(rows-1), angX(rows-1), ptA(rows-1), ptB(rows-1), ptC(rows-1),minX(rows-1),maxX(rows-1),mn(cols-1),mx(cols-1),pts(cols-1)
Dim angA(),angB(),angC(),disA(),disB(),disC(),s(),a(),d()
ReDim angA(rows-1),angB(rows-1),angC(rows-1),disA(rows-1),disB(rows-1),disC(rows-1)
ReDim a(cols-1), d(cols-1)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
If i Mod (2) Then
If j Mod (2) Then
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
End If
If j Mod (2) Then
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
angA(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j)), array(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angB(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)))(0)
angC(j) = Rhino.angle2(array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1)), array(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1)))(0)
disA(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j))
disB(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i)(j), ptSet(i)(j + 1))
disC(j) = Rhino.Distance(ptSet(i + 1)(j), ptSet(i + 1)(j + 1))
End If
End If
a(i) = array(angA, angB, angC)
d(i) = array(disA, disB, disC)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
r = 0
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
If j = 0 Then
oriPt(j) = array(0, 0, 0)
angX(j) = 0
oriPt(j) = ptB(j - 1)
If ptB(j - 1)(1) > ptC(j - 1)(1) Then
angX(j) = -Rhino.Angle2(array(ptB(j - 1), Rhino.PointAdd(ptB(j - 1), wrldCS(1))), array(ptB(j - 1), ptC(j - 1)))(0)
angX(j) = Rhino.Angle2(array(ptB(j - 1), Rhino.PointAdd(ptB(j - 1), wrldCS(1))), array(ptB(j - 1), ptC(j - 1)))(0)
End If
End If
If i Mod (2) Then
r = j + 1
r = j
End If
If r Mod (2) Then
ptA(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(0)(j)))
ptB(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + a(i)(1)(j) + a(i)(2)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(2)(j)))
ptC(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(ptA(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + 180 - a(i)(0)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(1)(j)))
ptA(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(0)(j)))
ptB(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(oriPt(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + a(i)(0)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(1)(j)))
ptC(j) = Rhino.PointAdd(ptA(j), Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorRotate(wrldCS(1), angX(j) + 180 - a(i)(1)(j) - a(i)(2)(j), wrldCS(3)), d(i)(2)(j)))
End If
minX(j) = Rhino.Min(array(ptA(j)(0), ptB(j)(0), ptC(j)(0)))
maxX(j) = Rhino.Max(array(ptA(j)(0), ptB(j)(0), ptC(j)(0)))
r = r + 1
mn(i) = Rhino.Min(minX)
If mn(i) > 0 Then
mn(i) = 0
mn(i) = abs(mn(i))
End If
mx(i) = abs(Rhino.Max(maxX))
pts(i) = array(oriPt, ptA, ptB, ptC)
Dim ptX, k
Dim edge(),edgeA(), edgeB(), span()
ReDim edge(cols-1),edgeA(rows-1), edgeB(rows-1), span(rows*2)
r = 0
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
k = 0
If i > 0 Then
r = r + mx(i - 1) + mn(i) + tabHeight * 2
End If
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
ptX = array(r, 0, 0)
If j Mod (2) Then
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(0)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(3)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "scores")
k = k + 1
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(1)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(2)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "scores")
k = k + 1
End If
If j = 0 Then
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(0)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(1)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "cuts")
k = k + 1
End If
If j = rows - 1 Then
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(2)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(3)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "cuts")
k = k + 1
span(k) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(2)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(3)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(span(k), "scores")
k = k + 1
End If
edgeA(j) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(0)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(2)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(edgeA(j), "scores")
edgeB(j) = Rhino.AddLine(Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(1)(j)), Rhino.PointAdd(ptX, pts(i)(3)(j)))
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(edgeB(j), "scores")
edge(i) = array(edgeA, edgeB)
Dim tabA(), tabB(), lblA(), lblB()
ReDim tabA(rows-1), tabB(rows-1), lblA(rows-1), lblB(rows-1)
For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
tabA(j) = tabMaker(edge(i)(0)(j), -90, tabHeight)
tabB(j) = tabMaker(edge(i)(1)(j), 90, tabHeight)
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(tabA(j), "cuts")
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(tabB(j), "cuts")
If i = cols - 1 Then
lblB(j) = labelMaker(edge(i)(1)(j), cols - 1 & "." & j, tabHeight * .25, 0, True)
lblB(j) = labelMaker(edge(i)(1)(j), i + 1 & "." & j, tabHeight * .25, 0, True)
End If
lblA(j) = labelMaker(edge(i)(0)(j), i & "." & j, tabHeight * .25, 180, True)
End Function
Function tabMaker(curve, rotVal, scale)
tabMaker = Null
Dim tabLN(1), tabPT(2),crvDom, wrldCS, i
crvDom = Rhino.CurveDomain(curve)
wrldCS = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
tabPT(0) = Rhino.CurveStartPoint(curve)
tabPT(2) = Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curve)
tabPT(1) = Rhino.PointAdd(Rhino.EvaluateCurve(curve, crvDom(1) * .5),Rhino.VectorScale(Rhino.VectorUnitize(Rhino.VectorRotate(Rhino.VectorCreate(Rhino.EvaluateCurve(curve, crvDom(1) * .4),tabPT(2)),rotVal, wrldCS(3))),scale))
For i = 0 To 1 Step 1
tabLN(i) = Rhino.AddLine(tabPT(i), tabPT(i + 1))
tabMaker = tabLN
End Function
Function labelMaker(curve, title, size, angle, blnAlign)
labelMaker = Null
Dim txt, wrldCS
If Rhino.IsLayer("numbering") = False Then
Call Rhino.AddLayer("numbering", RGB(0, 255, 0))
End If
wrldCS = Rhino.WorldXYPlane()
txt = Rhino.AddText(title, Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), size)
If blnAlign = True Then
Call Rhino.TextObjectPlane(txt, array(Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), Rhino.VectorCreate(Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curve)), Rhino.VectorRotate(Rhino.VectorCreate(Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), Rhino.CurveEndPoint(curve)), 90, wrldCS(3)), wrldCS(3)))
Call Rhino.RotateObject(txt, Rhino.CurveMidPoint(curve), angle, wrldCS(3))
End If
Call Rhino.ObjectLayer(txt, "numbering")
labelMaker = txt
End Function
Function reparameterize(strObjectID)
If Rhino.IsCurve(strObjectID) = True Then
Call rhino.SelectObject(strObjectID)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
End If
If Rhino.IsSurface(strObjectID) = True Then
Call rhino.SelectObject(strObjectID)
Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1 0 1")
Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
End If
End Function