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Surface Six Pack

Writer's picture: David MansDavid Mans

💻 Rhino 5

🔼 Rhino Script

🛠️ Visual Basic


This script produces six options for surface subdivisions within Rhino. It provides a curve set as an output that can be used for module population.

Option Explicit
'Script written by <David Mans>
'Script copyrighted by <NeoArchaic Design>
'Script version Wednesday, November 14, 2007 3:26:27 AM
Call Main()
Sub Main()
    Dim Surface, Cols, Rows, amplitudeD, amplitudeE
    Dim i,o
    Surface = Rhino.GetObject("Select Surface", 8)
    If isNull(Surface) Then Exit Sub
    Call reparameterize(Surface)
    Dim selection, gridset
    selection = Rhino.GetString("Select Grid Method", "Hexagon", array("Rectangle", "Diamond", "Hexagon", "TriangleA", "TriangleB", "X"))
    Cols = 10 'Rhino.GetReal("Cols",10,1)
    If isNull(Cols) Then Exit Sub
    Rows = 10 'Rhino.GetReal("Rows",10,1)
    If isNull(Rows) Then Exit Sub
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(False)
    If selection = "Rectangle" Then
        gridset = rectGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    ElseIf selection = "Diamond" Then
        gridset = diaGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    ElseIf selection = "TriangleA" Then
        gridset = TriangleGridA(surface, cols, rows)
    ElseIf selection = "TriangleB" Then
        gridset = TriangleGridB(surface, cols, rows)
    ElseIf selection = "X" Then
        gridset = XGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    ElseIf selection = "Hexagon" Then
        gridset = HexGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    End If
    'gridset variables now contain a two dimensional array of curves which can be used to populate units
    Call Rhino.EnableRedraw(True)
End Sub
Function reparameterize(strCurveID)
    If Rhino.IsCurve(strCurveID) = True Then
        Call rhino.SelectObject(strCurveID)
        Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1")
        Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
    End If
    If Rhino.IsSurface(strCurveID) = True Then
        Call rhino.SelectObject(strCurveID)
        Call rhino.Command("reparameterize 0 1 0 1")
        Call rhino.UnselectAllObjects()
    End If     
End Function
Function HexGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    HexGrid = Null
    Dim i,j
    Dim uDom,vDom,uStep,vStep
    Dim origin(), originSet(),ptA(6)
    Dim curves(),curveSet()
    ReDim curves(rows),curveSet(cols)
    ReDim origin(rows)
    uDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)
    vDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)
    uStep = uDom(1) / cols
    vStep = vDom(1) / rows
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                origin(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i, vStep * j))
                ptA(0) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i + uStep / 3, vStep * j))
                ptA(1) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i + uStep / 6, vStep * j + vStep))
                ptA(2) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i - uStep / 6, vStep * j + vStep))
                ptA(3) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i - uStep / 3, vStep * j))
                ptA(4) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i - uStep / 6, vStep * j - vStep))
                ptA(5) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i + uStep / 6, vStep * j - vStep))
                ptA(6) = ptA(0)
                curves(j) = Rhino.AddPolyline(ptA)
                If j > 0 And j < rows Then
                    origin(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i, vStep * j))
                    ptA(0) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i + uStep / 3, vStep * j))
                    ptA(1) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i + uStep / 6, vStep * j + vStep))
                    ptA(2) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i - uStep / 6, vStep * j + vStep))
                    ptA(3) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i - uStep / 3, vStep * j))
                    ptA(4) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i - uStep / 6, vStep * j - vStep))
                    ptA(5) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i + uStep / 6, vStep * j - vStep))
                    ptA(6) = ptA(0)
                    curves(j) = Rhino.AddPolyline(ptA)
                End If
            End If
    curveSet(i) = curves
    HexGrid = curveSet
End Function
Function TriangleGridA(surface, cols, rows)
    TriangleGridA = Null
    Dim i,j
    Dim uDom,vDom,uStep,vStep
    Dim origins, points(), pointset()
    ReDim points(rows), pointset(cols)
    uDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)
    vDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)
    uStep = uDom(1) / cols
    vStep = vDom(1) / rows
    For i = 0 To cols Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                points(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+i * uStep, j * vStep))
                'Call Rhino.AddPoint(points(j))
                points(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(i * uStep, j * vStep))
                'Call Rhino.AddPoint(points(j))
            End If
    pointset(i) = points
    For i = 0 To cols Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If j < rows Then
                If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                    If i < cols Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(i + 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(0)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                    If i = 0Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(cols)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(i - 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                End If     
            End If
            If j > 0 Then
                If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                    If i < cols Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(i + 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(0)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                    If i = 0Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(cols)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(i - 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                End If     
            End If
    TriangleGridA = array(origins, points)
End Function
Function TriangleGridB(surface, cols, rows)
    TriangleGridB = Null
    Dim i,j
    Dim uDom,vDom,uStep,vStep
    Dim origins, points(), pointset()
    ReDim points(rows), pointset(cols)
    uDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)
    vDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)
    uStep = uDom(1) / cols
    vStep = vDom(1) / rows
    For i = 0 To cols Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                points(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+i * uStep, j * vStep))
                'Call Rhino.AddPoint(points(j))
                points(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(i * uStep, j * vStep))
                'Call Rhino.AddPoint(points(j))
            End If
    pointset(i) = points
    For i = 0 To cols Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If j < rows Then
                If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                    If i = 0 Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(cols)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(i - 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                    If i < cols Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(i + 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j + 1),, pointset(0)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                End If     
            End If
            If j > 0 Then
                If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                    If i = 0 Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(cols)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(i - 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                    If i < cols Then
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(i + 1)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                        Call Rhino.AddPolyline(array(pointset(i)(j), pointset(i)(j - 1),, pointset(0)(j), pointset(i)(j)))
                    End If
                End If     
            End If
    TriangleGridB = array(origins, points)
End Function
Function rectGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    rectGrid = Null
    Dim i,j,dblUdom, dblVdom, dblUstep, dblVstep
    Dim pt(4),crv(),crvSet()
    ReDim crv(cols),crvSet(rows)
    dblUdom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)
    dblVdom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)
    dblUstep = dblUdom(1) / (cols)
    dblVstep = dblVdom(1) / (rows)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
            pt(0) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep - dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep - dblVstep * .5))
            pt(1) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep - dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep + dblVstep * .5))
            pt(2) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep + dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep + dblVstep * .5))
            pt(3) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep + dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep - dblVstep * .5))
            pt(4) = pt(0)
            crv(j) = Rhino.AddPolyline(pt)          
    crvSet(i) = crv
    rectGrid = array(crvSet)
End Function
Function diaGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    diaGrid = Null
    Dim i,j
    Dim uDom,vDom,uStep,vStep
    Dim origin(), originSet(),ptA(4)
    Dim curves(),curveSet()
    ReDim curves(rows),curveSet(cols)
    ReDim origin(rows)
    uDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)
    vDom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)
    uStep = uDom(1) / cols
    vStep = vDom(1) / rows
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows Step 1
            If abs(j) Mod 2 Then
                origin(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i, vStep * j))
                ptA(0) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i, vStep * j - vStep))
                ptA(1) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i - uStep * .5, vStep * j))
                ptA(2) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i, vStep * j + vStep))
                ptA(3) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * i + uStep * .5, vStep * j))
                ptA(4) = ptA(0)
                curves(j) = Rhino.AddPolyline(ptA)
                If j > 0 And j < rows Then
                    origin(j) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i, vStep * j))
                    ptA(0) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i, vStep * j - vStep))
                    ptA(1) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i - uStep * .5, vStep * j))
                    ptA(2) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i, vStep * j + vStep))
                    ptA(3) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(uStep * .5+uStep * i + uStep * .5, vStep * j))
                    ptA(4) = ptA(0)
                    curves(j) = Rhino.AddPolyline(ptA)
                End If
            End If
    curveSet(i) = curves
    diaGrid = array(curveSet)
End Function
Function XGrid(surface, cols, rows)
    XGrid = Null
    Dim i,j,dblUdom, dblVdom, dblUstep, dblVstep
    Dim pt(4),crvA(),crvSetA(),crvB(),crvSetB()
    ReDim crvA(rows),crvSetA(cols),crvB(rows),crvSetB(cols)
    dblUdom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 0)
    dblVdom = Rhino.SurfaceDomain(surface, 1)
    dblUstep = dblUdom(1) / (cols)
    dblVstep = dblVdom(1) / (rows)
    For i = 0 To cols - 1 Step 1
        For j = 0 To rows - 1 Step 1
            pt(0) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep - dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep - dblVstep * .5))
            pt(1) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep - dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep + dblVstep * .5))
            pt(2) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep + dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep + dblVstep * .5))
            pt(3) = Rhino.EvaluateSurface(surface, array(dblUstep * .5+i * dblUstep + dblUstep * .5, dblVstep * .5+j * dblVstep - dblVstep * .5))
            crvA(j) = Rhino.AddLine(pt(0), pt(2))   
            crvB(j) = Rhino.AddLine(pt(1), pt(3))   
    crvSetA(i) = crvA
    crvSetB(i) = crvB
    XGrid = array(crvSetA, crvSetB)
End Function


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